The history of Ellicott ended in the 1800s in the UK but a new company was born in 2008 in Switzerland. Which didn’t make it…
Switzerland is a European country officially called the Swiss Confederation. Also known as Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Confédération Suisse, Confederazione Svizzera, Confederaziun Ssvizra and Confoederatio Helvetica.
The country is considered to be the area where the first watches were made. Although Germany, Belgium, France and Italy do not agree with that, and probably more countries ‘think’ they created the first (pocket) watch. Nobody knowns, but the watch industry is one of the biggest industries in Switzerland. In terms of value, Switzerland is responsible for about half of the world production of watches.
History of brands from Switzerland on our site
The history of Graham as a watch and clockmaker ended in the 18th century, but the name was used again in the 1990s and is still active today