Here you find watch prices divided into several price categories, as provided by the manufacturers on the moment a watch is released. The prices beneath are absolute numbers as we have the prices of watches mostly in US dollars, euro’s, British pounds and Swiss francs. Although the rates of these currencies are not equal it does not differ very much.
So, if there is a watch on the end of a certain scale, for instance in dollars, the price in euro’s may cause the watch to be categorized into the next category as well. Don’t see it as a price catalogue, see it as a helpful feature to find a watch that suits your budget.
Estimated prices and prices without taxes
Prices without ‘approx.’ are the prices communicated by the watch manufacturer. Mostly TAX included, if not and we know about it, it’s there. When there is ‘approx.’ before the price it is calculated with the currency rates in the period of publishing. So, it’s certainly not the exact price your dealer will charge you. But it should come close…
The overview you will see shows the newest watch first. You can also search for a specific size or a specific type of watch. Or see the full list of watch brands.
Watch price categories
Price between 5,000 and 10,000
Price between 10,000 and 25,000
Price between 25,000 and 50,000
Price between 50,000 and 100,000
Price between 100,000 and 250,000
Price between 250,000 and 500,000